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Czasowniki angielskie - English Verbs

I. Bezokolicznik

1. W języku angielskim bezokolicznik czasownika wyrażany jest przy pomocy słówka

to come

to be

to run

2. Istnieje grupa czasowników, tzw. czasowniki modalne, których forma bezokolicznikowa nie jest poprzedzana przez słówko to:



II. Formy czasownika - podstawowe wiadomości

1. Każdy czasownik w języku angielskim - poza czasownikami modalnymi - posiada trzy podstawowe formy.

Infinitive Past Past Participle
play played played
do did done

2. Czasowniki w języku angielskim dzielimy na regularne i nieregularne. Regularne tworzą formę Past i Past Participle poprzez dodanie do bezokolicznika końcówki -(e)d.

Infinitive Past Past Participle
walk walked walked
smile smiled smiled
cry cried cried

3. Czasowniki nieregularne posiadają własne formy Past i Past Participle.

Infinitive Past Past Participle
go went gone
bring brought brought
cut cut cut

4. W języku angielskim, szczególnie w mowie, funkcjonują skróty niektórych form czasowników posiłkowych i ułomnych.

I am - I'm
he is - he's
she is - she's
it is - it's
we are - we're
you are - you're
I am not - I'm not
is not - isn't
are not - aren't
was not - wasn't
were not - weren't
do not - don't
does not - doesn't
did not - didn't
I will - I'll
will not - won't
I have - I've
you have - you've
he has - he's
we have - we've
they have - they've
have not - haven't
has not - hasn't
cannot - can't

III. Czasowniki to be, to have, must, can

- Odmiana czasownika
to be - być

1. Czas Present Simple

Zdania twierdzące Przeczące Pytania
I am (Jestem) I am not Am I?
you are you are not Are you?
he is he is not Is he?
she is she is not Is she?
it is it is not Is it?
we are we are not Are we?
you are you are not Are you?
they are they are not Are they?

2. Czas Past Simple

Zdania twierdzące Przeczące Pytania
I was (Byłem) I was not Was I?
you were you were not (weren't) Were you?
he was he was not (wasn't) Was he?
she was she was not (wasn't) Was she?
it was it was not (wasn't) Was it?
we were we were not (weren't) Were we?
you were you were not (weren't) Were you?
they were they were not (weren't) Were they?

3. Czas Future Simple

Zdania twierdzące Przeczące Pytania
I will be (Będę) I will not (won't) Will I?
you will you will not (won't) Wille you?
he will he will not (won't) Will he?
she will she will not (won't) Will she?
it will it will not (won't) Will it?
we will we will not (won't) Will we?
you will you will not (won't) Will you?
they will they will not (won't) Will they?

- Odmiana czasownika to have - mieć.

1. Czas Present Simple

Zdania twierdzące Przeczące Pytania
I have (Mam) I have not (haven't) Have I?
you have you have not (haven't) Have you?
he has he has not (hasn't) Has he?
she has she has not (hasn't) Has she?
it has it has not (hasn't) Has it?
we have we have not (haven't) Have we?
you have you have not (haven't) Have you?
they have they have not (haven't) Have they?

- Odmiana czasowników can - móc i must - musieć w czasie Present Simple.

1. Zdania twierdzące

I can (Mogę) I must (Muszę)
you can you must
he can he must
she can she must
it can it must
we can we must
you can you must
they can they must


- Należy pamiętać, że po czasownikach
can i must piszemy czasowniki w formie bezokolicznikowej z pominięciem słówka to:

I must go.
Muszę iść.

She can run fast.
Ona potrafi szybko biegać.

2. Przeczenia

I cannot (can't) (Nie mogę) I need not (needn't) (Nie muszę)
you cannot (can't) you need not (needn't)
he cannot (can't) he need not (needn't)
she cannot (can't) she need not (needn't)
it cannot (can't) it need not (needn't)
we cannot (can't) we need not (needn't)
you cannot (can't) you need not (needn't)
they cannot (can't) they need not (needn't)


- Przeczenia od
can i must tworzymy przez dodanie do nich wyrazu przeczącego not.
- Forma przecząca czasownika must oznacza zakaz.
- Żeby wyrazić, że czegoś nie musimy robić, używamy formy przeczącej czasownika

I must do it.
Muszę to zrobić.

She mustn't go there.
Nie wolno jej tam iść.

We needn't come to school tomorrow.
Nie musimy przychodzić jutro do szkoły.

3. Pytania

Can I? (Czy mogę?) Must I? (Czy muszę?)
Can you? Must you?
Can he? Must he?
Can she? Must she?
Can it? Must it?
Can we? Must we?
Can you? Must you?
Can they? Must they?


- Pytania od

can Uwagi:

tworzymy przy pomocy inwersji - przestawienia podmiotu i orzeczenia.

Can I come at 5?
Czy mogę przyjść o 5?

Must we do it?
Czy musimy to robić?

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