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Stopniowanie przymiotników - Adjectives

Wstaw przymiotniki w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym.

  • 1. (pretty) Jane is girl in our class.

  • 2. (tall) Frank is much than John.

  • 3. (high) It is mountain in the world.

  • 4. (careful) You should be next time.

  • 5. (fast) Tom swims of all.

  • 6. (good) I feel much than yesterday.

  • 7. (bad) I'm afraid that tomorrow it can be even .

  • 8. (beautiful) It is song I have ever heard.

  • 9. (late) I will see you .

  • 10. (interesting) The movie is great! I believe it is movie I have ever seen.

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