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Rodzaj żeński rzeczowników - Feminine Nouns

Wstaw żeńskie odpowiedniki podanych rzeczowników.

  • 1. (emperor) Catherine I reigned of Russia from 1762.

  • 2. (hero) Joan of Arc is a national of France.

  • 3. (waiter) The will bring as the menu.

  • 4. (master) Mary intends to remain of her own life when she gets married.

  • 5. (landlord) The assured me that there are no rats in here.

  • 6. (actor) The performance of this young was magnificent.

  • 7. (uncle) Lucy is a second wife of my uncle John.

  • 8. (groom) Corpse is one of my favourite movies.

  • 9. (stallion) The knight mounted his rode off.

  • 10. (lion) I saw a when I was on safari.

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