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Liczba mnoga rzeczowników - Plural Nouns

Wstaw podany rzeczownik w liczbie mnogiej.

  • 1. (sheep) These are from Poland.

  • 2. (deer) There are a lot of in this region.

  • 3. (thousand) There were of people gathered on the square.

  • 4. (thousand) This computer is worth five Dollars.

  • 5. (stimulus) are events in the environment that influence behaviour

  • 6. (mouse) There are a lot of in this building.

  • 7. (country) There are 25 in the UE.

  • 8. (ox) The cart was pulled by two .

  • 9. (dwarf) Snow White and Seven is a 1937 American film.

  • 10. (knife) I bought some to the kitchen.

  • 11. (nucleus) are bound together by the residual strong force.

  • 12. (volcano) There are many inactive on our planet.

  • 13. (analysis) We have ordered independent from two research centres.

  • 14. (passer-by) None of the stopped to help him.

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