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Edukacja - Education

Uzupełnij luki.

  • 1. (wagary) He was caught playing .

  • 2. (nie zdać) She her exam because of her illness.

  • 3. (stopień naukowy) He graduated from Harvard with the in American Literature.

  • 4. (matematyka) My favourite school subjects are biology, geography and .

  • 5. (Szkoła podstawowa) pupils must wear school uniforms.

  • 6. (Nauczyciele) are complaining that the state schools do not receive adequate funding.

  • 7. (czesne) She's at a private school and the are quite expensive.

  • 8. (na pamięć) Are we supposed to learn this poem ?

  • 9. (szkoła średnia) My younger brother goes to .

  • 10. (przedszkole) Jessica learnt to read and write when she was in .

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